This Is The Goofiest Looking Cardio Exercise I’ve Ever Done
Posted on Friday, September 18th, 2009
I double dog dare ya to click on this video and do just one 10 minute cardio exercise with Scott. It’s the goofiest looking workout you’ll ever do, but I guarantee you won’t walk away without “the burn.” If you’re like me, you may not walk away at all… you may have to crawl.
Well, did you do it? Did you do at least some of it? That’s what I’ve been up against these last three weeks. No wonder I’m sleeping through the night for the first time in a decade! Geez!
If you think that’s bad, you should see some of the other stuff he makes us do! 100 squats! Yes, 100!
Even if I weren’t working at home now, I believe after doing this Fat Loss Quickie exercise program, I would do one 10 minute session before I went to work and then the second 10 minute session after I got home. Being directed by Scott during each session keeps me on track and keeps me going. It’s not like he can see me, but I FEEL like I’ve got a personal trainer in my office.
Nicole’s Computer Butt Challenge at NicoleOnTheNet.com has been great fun, I’m seeing results in just 3 weeks, and I’m sleeping. This is the best $20 I’ve spent on myself in a long, long time.
Read a little more about Scott’s Fat Loss Quickie program by clicking on the graphic right here:
Whether you work at home or you have a job that takes you outside the house every day, this program is a great way to squeeze in a couple of minutes of cardio and weight bearing exercise into your busy day.
I’ve got one more week before we start on a new series of exercises. I’ve also got one more week before I have to measure myself again. EEEK! This whole month of Quickies with Scott has just been one laugh after another, well, at least until the tape measure comes out… 😮
Stop back and let me know how your exercise plans are progressing. You’ll know where to find me… right here enjoying my Quickies with Scott!
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