Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable

Posted on Sunday, June 30th, 2013

This is my first WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge.  I’m a bit nervous that I’m doing it right, so please bear with me.  I appreciate your patience.  Anyway, here goes…

Since I earn my living (most, that is) as an editor, my initial instinct is to make sure I get the definition of the theme word correct.  Here’s what I found:

companionable definition

To me, this brought to mind two images – together in peaceful coexistence, and comfortably alone.

I wasn’t always happy sitting quietly with someone. I wasn’t always happy sitting quietly by myself. Both situations were not exactly relaxed or pleasant.  As I get older, I have found it much easier to find a balance, both in the company of others and by myself, that encompasses the definition of ‘companionable’ – friendly, sociable, relaxed, and pleasant.  The photos I have chosen to share with you strike that balance for me.

Photo #1 – This photo was taken while sitting with my brother, quietly watching the sun set over the water on a warm October afternoon in Washington State.  It felt good to be quiet, but also good to have a bit of chatter, too.  The moment was peaceful and companionable.

sunset with Bro Bill in WashingtonPhoto #2 – The following photo was taken just a month later on my birthday.  I grabbed some sushi and wine and headed to the Gulf of Mexico (just a short distance from my house in Florida) to treat myself to a beautiful sunset.  This time I was alone.  Peacefully and comfortably alone, feeling quite companionable inside my own skin.

sunset alone in FloridaThese two sunsets are separated by thousands of miles, but they are so similar.  If I hadn’t told you one was in Washington and one was in Florida, you might have, at least for a second, thought I just took a picture of the same sunset from different vantage points.

To me, the two definitions of ‘companionable’ are  just like my photos – so similar yet thousands of miles apart.

Yes, it means a friendly, sociable camaraderie, but it also invokes images of relaxation, comfort, and peace.  I find the two meanings coexist quite well, especially now as I get older.  I find myself much happier surrounded with people who enjoy both the camaraderie and the quiet.

I hope you enjoyed my contribution to this week’s photo challenge.  Please be sure to click on and scroll through the other entries right here:
WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge – Companionable

p.s.  Please be sure to leave a comment below.  I would love to know what you think about my photos.  I would also like to know how you would describe the word ‘companionable’ and what it means to you.

p.p.s.  Oh, and I am not a professional photographer.  I just like taking pictures.  There are some who are using the Weekly Photo Challenge as a way to showcase their beautiful work;  I am not one of those.

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16 Responses to
“Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable”

  • Annette says: June 30th, 2013 at 4:36 pm

    Congrats on jumping in the water with your first challenge! It’s been my experience that I enjoy the unique interpretations more than the more expected images/words. So let your imagination run wild and just play!

  • Patti says: June 30th, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    Thank you SO MUCH Annette! I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you actually took the time to read AND comment. I also enjoy the interpretations rather than the expected photos. It was funny… I kept scrolling through pictures of my cats, grandkids, hubby, friends, family, and all sorts of ‘companionable’ people and objects, but those two sunsets just kept jumping out at me. I guess I needed to explore what the word meant to me, for some reason. Maybe I needed to find some friendship, comfort, and peace today. Who knows. For whatever reason, it was a fun exercise. I look forward to the next challenge. Thanks again!

  • Ute says: July 1st, 2013 at 7:57 am

    Patti, I usually try to start and end my day with some special reading; may it be a story, a blog, an article or chapter in a book. This morning began with your so insightful blog – as your blogs always are. How you shared your thoughts, your personal pictures, and interpretation of the theme ‘companionable’ drew me into your circle of kindred spirits. While walking into the sunset years I too so enjoy more and more quiet beauty around me, alone or in ‘camaraderie’. It could even be with my dog. Those are the moments when I embrace aging. There was little room for reflections during the hustle and bustle years.
    Thank you again for sharing your insights with us and starting my day!

  • Patti says: July 1st, 2013 at 11:13 am

    Thank YOU, Ute, for your kind words. Of course, I appreciate that you take the time to read my blog and that you find enjoyment in it. Isn’t it amazing how we get the gift of ‘quiet’ as we age… both external and internal? Such a gift. Thank you again for reading and taking the time to comment, and, of course, for your kind words. I surely do appreciate you.

  • Chris says: July 1st, 2013 at 8:17 am

    Patti, thanks for helping me start this rainy day companionably! I find my virtual blogging friends often provide insight and writing prompts. And good luck with the contest, your sunsets are spectacular.

  • Patti says: July 1st, 2013 at 11:09 am

    Thank you, Chris, for stopping by, reading, and commenting. I’m glad I can provide some relaxation and insight on this rainy day. I’m also glad you enjoyed the photos. It was so odd how similar they were. Thanks again.

  • Tina says: July 1st, 2013 at 11:11 am

    Hi there and welcome! I too try to post outside-the-box on the challenges as creative posts are a bit more interesting I think. One suggestion- to get more interaction I’d suggest adding a “like” button and also allowing comments without all of the addl info req’d. Most wont bother if they can’t comment easily!

  • Patti says: July 1st, 2013 at 1:28 pm

    Thank you, Tina. It is fun to spend a little time on not only the photo but the meaning of the word for the theme. Do you mean the WordPress “Like” button? I’ve used that on other blogs. I’ll have to see how I go about getting that widget or whatever it is. Thanks. I’m not sure what additional info is required to comment. Is it one of those ‘captcha’ things? I’ll have to look into that.

    Thanks for the suggestions and for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I’ll mosey on over to your website and take a look at your entries. Thanks again!

  • Cel says: July 1st, 2013 at 11:15 am

    These are great photos and you did great on your first challenge!
    I hope you enjoyed it to merit more challenges in the future.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and fab sunsets.

  • Patti says: July 1st, 2013 at 1:22 pm

    Thank you, Cel, for taking the time to read and comment. I’m so glad you enjoyed my photos. It was a fun challenge, to be sure! I’ll stop by and take a look at your entry now. Thanks again.

  • noel says: July 1st, 2013 at 1:46 pm

    congratulations, loved seeing your first post, I haven’t even participated in the post challenges yet, lets hope I do so soon!

  • Patti says: July 2nd, 2013 at 2:20 pm

    Thank you, Noel, for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Yes, I would love to see your entries in the challenge. Until then, I’ll take a trip over to your blog to take a look. Thanks again!

  • Miki Kuwabara says: July 2nd, 2013 at 12:26 am

    Welcome to the weekly photo challenge Patti! The sunset photos are beautiful…especially the one taken in Washington. I love trees!
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this week’s theme. Your blog was interesting to read. 🙂

  • Patti says: July 2nd, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    That you so much, Miki. I’m glad you enjoyed my photos. I, too, love the sunset through the trees. It adds another dimension. Of course, I could not capture the real beauty of that sunset. I actually took both photos with my cell phone because it was handy. Whatever works, right!? Thanks again for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

  • iliannamathioudakis says: July 4th, 2013 at 2:27 pm

    I absolutely love both pictures, but the first one is amazing!

  • Patti says: July 5th, 2013 at 8:16 pm

    Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the pics. 😉

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