Sunday Funnies – Memories As Sung By Pam Peterson
Posted on Sunday, October 23rd, 2011
My Gram saved the Sunday Funny Papers for me and my daughter Nicole every week – many, many years ago. I think it gave us both an appreciation for the fine art of mixing humor with work. (It could also explain a lot… ) I’ll try to pass on my Gram’s gift here, sort of as a reminder to laugh every day. Thanks, Gram. Let’s see who’s got a chuckle for us today…
Since I can’t seem to remember more than two things at the grocery store, or worse, when I have something on the stove or water running in the kitchen sink, I thought right now is a good time to enjoy this delightful song by Pam Peterson.
You may have already seen it, but it never fails to make me laugh, so I think you may like to see it again.
And, if you haven’t seen this video before, listen closely and I’m betting you will hear your own story…
Well, ya gotta laugh… it’ll keep you from crying. Enjoy your Sunday!
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