It Must Be Thursday ‘Cause My Pill Dispenser Says So

Posted on Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Never thought I’d see the value in a pill dispenser… but I do now.

So, it’s come to this, has it.  First, you start enjoying the AARP bulletins, then you buy a pill organizer… and love it.

Even though my pills consist mostly of (knock wood) vitamins and one allergy pill, I still like to be sure I take them every morning.

Well, the ritual became a bit tedious, and yes, I forgot sometimes, staring at the bottles, wondering, wondering, wondering… did I take my pills this morning or didn’t I?

So, I succumbed and bought myself a weekly pill dispenser.

Why the hesitation?  Memories and resistance.  My Dad had a pill organizer when he got older – key words:  “when he got older.”

Resistance is futile.  We will be assimilated.

Aging is inevitable, if we’re lucky.  Having a pill organizer is a reminder that we’re getting older and a bit forgetful.

But, missing your vitamins and medications is a bad thing.  So, I sit down and fill my little pill dispenser thingy every week.

Now each morning I pop open my dispenser, take my handful of vitamins and medicine, and check to see what day it is.

I’ve kind of grown to like this ritual.  Maybe in a few years I’ll graduate to the month-at-a-time pill organizers and take the calender off my kitchen wall.

p.s. If you like the idea of a monthly organizer, here’s one I found that would do the trick.

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2 Responses to
“It Must Be Thursday ‘Cause My Pill Dispenser Says So”

  • Lain says: May 22nd, 2010 at 6:33 am

    You are so funny!
    I had one years ago when I was trying this supplement regimen suggested by my chiropractor. I didn’t feel any different so I abandoned it a few months later. My husband was so mad at all the “quack” pills I’d spent money on! 🙂

  • Patti says: May 22nd, 2010 at 5:13 pm

    Ha! Quack pills… I hear ya. Sometimes I wonder if anything works, but then again I hate to give up my vitamins… just in case. It can’t hurt, can it? Thanks for the comment and sharing your experience. Those darn husbands, eh? Always trackin’ the dollars. 😉

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